Northamptonshire Black Communities Together

United communities - working towards an equal society

Our Aim

Racial inequalities have been highlighted during the Covid pandemic and we want to work together with other agencies to support local people and communities and affect systemic change.

NBCT is hosted by Support Northamptonshire leading collaborations, affecting change, build strong and resilient communities and improving support and services. Our purpose is to ensure the growth of sustainable and resilient Black communities across Northamptonshire. With the following aims:

Develop an effective and sustainable infrastructure for Black Community Organisations
Develop and enhance collaboration between Black Community Organisations
Improve support, services, and resources for Black communities and enable equal access to services
Campaign for change
Check out our list of funding briefs and details of how to apply.
See the latest news as well as past and upcoming events for NBCT.
See our resources page and see what's best for your organisation
Take a look at some of the projects we've been involved with.
See a list of our current NBCT Organisational and Individual members
Give us a call or send us an email - we'd love to hear from you!

Calling black organisations

Join NBCT to serve the diverse communities beyond your locality, connect with diverse black communities countywide